The Carter Center

Meet the New Rosalynn Carter Fellows for Mental Health Journalism

Founded in 1996, the groundbreaking Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism program awards year-long, non-residential fellowships to journalists to report on a mental health topic of their choice.

Fellows receive a generous stipend, training, networking opportunities, and access to top experts and resources in mental health and journalism.

Mental Health Parity Collaborative

The Mental Health Parity Collaborative is a partnership between The Carter Center’s Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism, The Center for Public Integrity, and 20 news outlets in Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and the District of Columbia. More than 40 reporters and editors are working to produce stories on mental health care access, parity, and inequities in the U.S.

Our Mental Health Reporting Guide is Here

The Carter Center Journalism Resource Guide on Mental Health Reporting — available in English and Spanish — supports journalists' efforts to report accurately and effectively on mental health issues, including suicide and addiction and substance use, in ways that do not reinforce stereotypes or perpetuate stigma.

Remembering Rosalynn Carter

Widely recognized as a leading advocate for mental health and caregiving, former First Lady Rosalynn Carter was actively devoted to building a more caring society. Here's what former fellows had to say about her impact.


Meet the Fellows

The Carter Center’s Mental Health Journalism Fellows report on some of society’s biggest mental health challenges during their year-long, non-residential fellowship.

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter talks to fellows at the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

"Informed journalists can have a significant impact on public understanding of mental health issues as they shape debate and trends with the words and pictures they convey. They influence their peers and stimulate discussion among the general public, and an informed public can reduce stigma and discrimination."

— Former U.S. First Lady Rosalynn Carter

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Featured Stories and Program Updates

Illustration by Madison Alvarado using Canva AI/San Francisco Public Press

You Report an Unhoused Person in a Mental Health Crisis. This Is What Happens Next

Illustration by Madison Alvarado using Canva AI/San Francisco Public Press

The Often Vicious Cycle Through SF’s Strained Mental Health Care and Detention System

©Adriana Heldiz/Voice of San Diego

Deadly Failure: A Sailor Was in Crisis. Her Command Kept the Pressure on Anyway

©Lisa Kurian Philip/WBEZ: Isabelle Dizon contacted her campus counseling center when she hit a low point during her sophomore year of college, but never heard back. Now a junior at the University of Illinois at Chicago, she hopes the school hires someone at the center to, at the very least, pick up the phone.

She called the number on her syllabus offering counseling. No one picked up.

Language guide for reporting on mental health

The Carter Center Journalism Resource Guide for Mental Health Reporting supports journalists’ efforts to report accurately and effectively on mental health topics, including addiction and substance use, in ways that do not reinforce stereotypes or negative perceptions. This guide can serve as a starting point for new journalists and as a reference guide for experienced journalists.

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