Bakari Savage

United States
Correspondent, WBRC-Fox 6 TV
Bakari Savage is a correspondent for the top-rated morning show in Birmingham, Alabama, at WBRC Fox 6 News, “On Your Side” and serves as the “promo guy” for #MagicCityWeekend.
Savage has been the weekend morning co-host for “Good Day Carolinas” at Fox owned and operated TV station, WJZY-TV, in Charlotte, North Carolina as well as “The Morning Show” at WJXT in Jacksonville, Florida.
Savage is a public speaker, mentor and junior board member for The Bell Center for Early Intervention Programs. He also sits on the boards of Smile-A-Mile, a nonprofit that supports kids with cancer and their families, and nonprofit On River Time, which empowers children of abuse and neglect through fly fishing.
Born and raised in Birmingham, Savage is a graduate of the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity.