Susan Greene

United States
Editor/Reporter, The Colorado Independent
Susan Greene has led the nonprofit Colorado Independent since 2013. Beginning in 2020, Greene and managing editor Tina Griego, in partnership with Colorado Press Association and Colorado Media Project, are collaborating on in-depth investigative and narrative stories with news outlets statewide.
Greene reported for papers in California and Nevada before her 13 years as a reporter and then metro columnist at The Denver Post. “Trashing the Truth,” a series about lost and destroyed DNA evidence that she reported with Miles Moffeit, helped exonerate five men, prompted reforms on evidence preservation and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in investigative journalism.
Her 2012 project, “The Gray Box,” exposed the mental health effects of long-term solitary confinement. She lives in Denver with her two kids and has spent longer than she cares to admit learning to fly fish.