Inside New Mexico’s first diversion program for people who aren’t competent to stand trial

During a December hearing, Magistrate Judge Alexander Rossario in December 2024 dismissed the charges of several people who had engaged with the program, and kicked out several people who had not. Image: Ted Alcorn

‘An ecosystem of dysfunction:’ West Virginia still has a child welfare worker shortage, and it’s taking a toll on foster kids and families

Olivia Frausto, now 19, holds a photo of her younger self, taken before she entered West Virginia’s child welfare system. Photo by Jenny Lynn Photography

West Virginia’s foster care system depends on grandfamilies. It does little to support their mental health needs.

Judy Utley, right, with her granddaughter Alexis Nadell. Grandparents like Utley, who raised their grandchildren, say the state doesn't offer them enough support. Photo courtesy of Judy Utley.

PA eased telehealth regulations during the pandemic. What happens if the waiver expires?

©Clare Sheedy/PublicSource: Elaine Houston sits in her East Liberty home where she takes her remote telehealth appointments.
©Clare Sheedy/PublicSource: Elaine Houston sits in her East Liberty home where she takes her remote telehealth appointments.

PublicSource, June 9, 2022, by Jourdan Hicks:

At first, the pandemic actually kept us in our homes. Y’all remember that? Being on lockdown?
For many, COVID and the response to it only intensified the need for health care. And by health care, I mean physical and mental.

But have the body and the mind been treated with the same importance? That’s what we’re trying to figure out within the realm of virtual health care, or telehealth.

The state of Pennsylvania made it widely available, the same for your doctor as your family therapist. The state directed practitioners to continue patient care and services through telehealth to fight the spread of COVID-19.

Insurance companies appear to have fallen in line, too, and covered telehealth similarly for physical and mental health needs. Among Medicare recipients, the use of telehealth soared 13,000% over pre-pandemic rates for utilization, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Read more here at PublicSource here.