
Illustration by Madison Alvarado using Canva AI/San Francisco Public Press

You Report an Unhoused Person in a Mental Health Crisis. This Is What Happens Next

San Francisco Public Press by Madison Alvarado and Yesica Prado, May 7, 2024: Myriad city teams respond to people in severe distress, who are often homeless and return to the streets after receiving services. In San Francisco, it is not uncommon to cross paths with a person experiencing homelessness in…

Illustration by Madison Alvarado using Canva AI/San Francisco Public Press

The Often Vicious Cycle Through SF’s Strained Mental Health Care and Detention System

San Francisco Public Press by Madison Alvarado and Yesica Prado, May 6, 2024: Dispatchers received at least 24,000 calls about mental health crises last year. Often, responders couldn’t find the people in distress. On a windy day last fall, a slender man stood on a corner of the bustling intersection…