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Greg Miller Interviews Vikram Patel
December 5, 2013 Former fellow Greg Miller has a new piece out in WIRED Magazine about the preeminent psychiatrist Vikram Patel. Vikram Patel, a psychiatrist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, is one of the leaders in the global mental health movement and well known for his strategy of…

Longitudinal ‘Crack Babies’ Study Yields Unexpected Results
August 1, 2013 In 1989, Hallam Hurt, then chair of neonatology at Philadelphia’s Albert Einstein Medical Center, began studying the long-term health prospects of children born to mothers who had smoked crack cocaine during pregnancy. Despite the popular belief that the fetuses exposed to crack in the womb would become developmentally disabled, Hurt’s study…

Study Finds Relationship Between Social Class and Brain Development
June 17, 2013 A recent study conducted by Dr. Martha Farah at the University of Pennsylvania investigated the relationship between social class and brain development. Before this study, little attention was focused on the effect of low socioeconomic status on the brain and cognition. Dr. Farah’s analysis of what aspects…