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ACLU Finds More Prisoners with Mental Illness Locked in Solitary Confinement
July 31, 2013 An 18-month study by the ACLU of Colorado found that nearly 90 Colorado prisoners with serious mental illnesses were locked in solitary confinement this year. Many of these prisoners had been in solitary confinement for at least four years despite legal and expert recommendations that prisons stop…

Columbia Age Boom Academy
July 16, 2013 Please take note of this wonderful opportunity: The Age Boom Academy Sept. 8 – 10, 2013 Aging in America: The Costs and Benefits Columbia Journalism School and Mailman School of Public Health In the last century, U.S. life expectancy at birth has jumped almost 30 years to…

Announcement of the 2013-2014 Colombian Fellows
July 15, 2013 We are excited to announce the 2013-2014 Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism Colombian recipients: Silvia Camargo Abello and María Cristina Castro Pinzón Semana Topic: Explore the mental health impact of armed conflict within five regions of Colombia hit especially hard by the violence. Fernanda Hernández…