
Former Fellow Katherine Kam speaks up on Asian American Mental Health

November 15, 2013

Katherine Kam, 2012-2013 Fellow, dedicated her Fellowship project to shedding light on the unique issues in mental health for Asian American teens and students. She recently interviewed with host Jenee Darden at Mental Health and Wellness Radio about what pressures and stigmas Asian American youth may experience through their cultures. Kam speaks about her project, for which she authored a three-part series for New American Media, a nation-wide coalition of ethnic news organizations. Her articles have since been translated in Chinese and Korean and syndicated to a number of Asian news outlets.

Access the radio show here.

Find Katherine Kam’s three-part series on mental health in Asian American youth at the following links:

Cultural Stigma Hurts Asian American Teens with Depression

A Psychological Lifeline for Asian American Teens

On Some College Campuses, a Focus on Asian American Mental Health

Trish Solomon